Current Supporters
Thank you to our supporters:
Public Funders

International & Programme Partners
Trio patrons
Olywn Alexander - Peter Allbut - Elizabeth Colwell - Robin Durie - Brian & Lorna Hutchison - Mark McKergow & Jenny Clark - Alan & Liz Young
Duo patrons
Bruce Antik - Peter Askew - Robert Baltzer - Peter Beckett - David & Barbara Dalglish - Martin Eckersall - Brian Fallon - Margaret Glacken - Patrick Hadfield - Lynn Hill - Steve Loades - Alexander Martin - Bill Mason - Robert McCabe - Gary McGregor - Malcolm Morrison - Maggie Peatfield - David Peutherer - Doug & Karen Renwick - Nigel Richardson - Françoise Robertson - Mike Rymaruk - Jane Schonveld - Alan & Joanna Soden - Earl Spencer - Liz Young
Soloist patrons
Sheenagh Adamson - William Alcorn - Keith Barrett - Dave Berry - Michael Blachford - Dorothy Cairns - Albert Clowes - Liz Dicks - Jane Donoghue - John Dorgan - George Duncan - Linda Duncan - Russell Duncan - Annamarie Esmail - Roger Farley - P. J. Ferguson - Dietmar Finger - David Flint - Maurice Gibb - Stephen Gibb - Bill Gilby - Ken Gordon - Rona Gray - Valerie Hargreaves - David Hendry - Peter Hindsgaul - C Hughes - M Hughes - C P Humphries - Murdoch Hunter - George Imrie - Gail Joughin - Guy Jubb - Jacqui Langley-White - Madeline Lawrie - Marie Logan - G.M Pest Control - I H A Mackay - Neil Mackie - Ian Mason - Gillian McGovern - John McKenzie - Kenneth McLachlan - Brian S Neill - Blair Nicholson - Campbell Normand - Jerry O'Dwyer - Iain Percival - Terry Pickles - Kelly Rea - Douglas Reid - Hawaii St. Johnstone - Charles Shand - Thomas Shields - Ian Spence - Niall Stirling - Carol Sutherland - Neil Taylor - Stephanie Todd - Charles Wallace - Alistair Ware - Alastair Weatherston - Alistair Williams
And thank you to all Patrons who wish to remain anonymous